Smoothieboard 5xC

Smoothieboards come pre-flashed

You do not need to flash your Smoothieboard when you get it. You only need to do so to update it to a newer version of the firmware if you wish.However, it is a good idea to flash your board to the latest version anyway when you first receive it.

When you upgrade to a newer version, make sure you also upgrade your configuration file, to make sure the firmware can understand it. We try very hard to maintain backwards compatibility, however in the years since the start of the project, there have been a few very rare changes, so having a very old configuration with a very recent firmware can rarely cause problems.

When upgrading from such a very old firmware, make sure you read the upgrade notes.

This is also presuming your Smoothieboard is already flashed with the DFU bootloader ( it is already if you bought the board, it probably isn’t if you built it yourself ).

Update your firmware:

1.1) Instructions:

1.3) Use firmware-cnc.bin (renamed to firmware.bin before copied to SD) for Lasers/CNCs
2) Configuration
2.1) Instructions:
3) Smoothieware has a very extensive Wiki outlining all the functionality and modules that can be configured, over on